Due to a fault in the intake pipeline, water supply disruptions may occur in the hamlets of Montepetrosu, Lutturai, L'aldia Bianca and Cala Girgolu on 06/20/23. (https://www.abbanoa.it/)
Due to a fault in the intake pipeline, water supply disruptions may occur in the hamlets of Montepetrosu, Lutturai, L'aldia Bianca and Cala Girgolu on 06/20/23. (https://www.abbanoa.it/)
Loc. Capo Coda Cavallo - 07052 San Teodoro (SS) - Sardegna (Registered Office)
Phone +39 0784.834156
Phone +39 0784.834163
E-mail: info@calacavallo.it
P.Iva IT00656250917
C.F: 00656250917